Email Addresses For Ni – Reserved!

Something dawned on me last night; I might not have my blog by the time Ni grows up. So all those birthday letters I write for her each month, may just vanish into the net. I’m hopeful to have my blog for as long as I can, but you just never know where life is going to take you and what you’ll be doing 10, 5, 2 or even a year from now. I figured, maybe I create an email account for her and send her all these birthday letters to her. Once she’s old enough to have an email account, I give her access to the one I created for her. Plus, I get to reserve her full name on popular email providers.

So, I did exactly that this morning; I created 2 email addresses on 2 very popular domain names: and and then I sent her first email, see it below and you’ll understand why I did it.

Email to Ni:

Ni's first email
Ni’s first email

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