Holiday Decorating On A Budget

20131222-112310.jpgFirst and foremost, Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends across the border and anyone else celebrating today. I wish you are surrounded by family and friends and lots of love.

If you’ve visited my blog over the years, you’ll know that I love to decorate, especially during the Christmas holidays. But decorating can become very expensive. So, you’ll also know that I am a strong believer of purchasing most of my decorating supplies from the Dollar Store.

This year, I’ve decided not to purchase too many supplies as I have accumulated many over the years. But I’m adding a couple of things to my supply list and having Nid involved in the whole process. She’s so excited about putting up a Christmas tree and decorations. So, everyday we put one little item up. This way, the excitement lasts and she gets to enjoy each item one day at a time.

Over the next several days, I will be putting up my ideas and DIY how-to plans. But in the meantime, you can check out last year’s blog post about Dollar Store Holiday Decorating Ideas HERE!

Stay Tuned.