Writing Today Just Because

Hello Lovies!

Nothing special going on these days. I just felt like writing today. Ni’s at my parent’s house for the night and D and I are going out for dinner and a drink or two. I’m currently sitting in the car waiting for him to leave work. So, I thought I take a moment or two to write a quick post. 🙂 (see I do think about all of you even when my world is hectic and all)

However, like I said before nothing special has been going on the past few days. I’m just trying to get my mind wrapped around going back to work in November. Can you believe how quickly this past year has flown by? I mean, I got married in India, came back and found out I was preggo and then had the little babushka, who I must say, is growing so quickly and is almost a year old. Wowzers! It all feels like it happened in a blink of an eye.

The truth is though, as fast a this year has flown by, it’s been a roller coaster ride. Lots of ups and downs. But D and I got through them all and are still standing strong (knock on wood). My pregnancy was fun but also the pregnancy from hell. Oh the mood swings and poor D stood beside me and never let my hand go. If it was any other man, trust me they would’ve bolted the first time I flung my wedding ring at them. Lol. But my darling husband always picked up the ring and held on to it until my anger had calmed and then slide it back on my finger as if it was the first time he had put it on. But just the thought of those days makes me want to barf.

You know, through all the ups and down, at the end of the night, we always kissed and said I love you to each other, never forgetting the value of the other. That’s a Rule of Marriage I learnt from my ex-husband’s father; never go to sleep angry or upset at each other, for when the morning comes lots of unsaid feelings will cause distance. As fucked up as the old geezer was, he had some good advice every once in a while.

Anyways lovies, I’ve got to go. D’s here and we’re off to a late night dinner and drive around the city. Xoxo

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