Dr. Bernstein Diet Plan

Hopefully, in the very near future, I will be announcing some very exciting “personal” news. In preparation for it, I have decided to take on the Dr. Bernstein diet plan. I am not joining the program. Well, my plan is to follow the diet as closely as possible without the program for about a month and a half and see how my results are. If my results hit my target goal within the month and a half timeline then I will continue on the way I have been. If not, then I will seek Dr. Bernstein and clinics help.

The Plan:

  • Start date: July 18, 2011
  • End date: August 31, 2011
  • Drop calorie intake to 900 calories a day
  • Increase water intake by 150% (minimum 2 liters per day)
  • Increase fitness activity by 50%
  • Increase daily multi-vitamin intake to 2 a day

The Goal for August 31:

  • Lose 30 lbs.

The Diet:

  • Remove dairy products from my diet completely for the next 45 days
  • No sugar intake at all

Foods I can eat (broken down by 4 categories: Protein, Fruits, Vegetables and Bread):
Food should be cooked with PAM only

2 servings a day – roughly 4 hours apart
3.5 oz.


  • Veal cutlet
  • Chicken liver
  • Chicken breasts
  • Shrimp
  • Tuna
  • White fish
  • Egg whites

Note: Beef can be eaten once a week. No lamb

2 servings a day

2 Apples
2 Clementine’s
6 Strawberries

2 servings a day
220 grs.


  • Celery
  • Mushrooms
  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce
  • Bean sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Green beans

1 serving per day


  • 2 slices of Dempsters Body Wise brand bread
  • Triscuits
  • Melba toast

Miscellaneous Forbidden Items:

  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated drinks (except for Caffeine-free diet soda)
  • Fruit juice
  • Margarine
  • Oil
  • Butter
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Bread
  • Roti/naan
  • Potatoes
  • Bagels
  • Cake
  • Ice Cream
  • White refined sugars

I know this diet seems extreme. I think its more of a lifestyle change than extreme. Yes, I calorie drop will definitely be difficult. But I have the determination and a goal set. I will try to keep a journal of what I’m eating and doing and how it’s coming along. But I won’t be posting daily how much weight I lost, etc. I don’t want to pester everyone with every single detail.

For anyone that wants to know, my current weight 237 lbs. My August 31st target weight is 207 lbs. My overall target weight is 145 lbs by December 31, 2011. My birthday’s on November 15th and I’d like to be at least 180 lbs. by then.

Wish me luck and keep reading! I’ll try to post some before/after photos as soon as I can. Well, at least the before shots for now and on August 31st I’ll post the after shots.


89 thoughts on “Dr. Bernstein Diet Plan”

  1. Unrealistic expectations…sorry girl. I have been on Bernstein and lost 2 to 2 1/2 pounds per week and NEVER faltered from the diet. You have triscuits in your diet which I never saw on the plan or clementines. You can have 2 3 1/2 0z of protein daily, 2 3/4 cups of fruit (berries include blueberries, blackberries and strawberries) or you can have 1 1/4 of a canteloupe in replacement for a fruit. One cup of diet jello daily, and two servings of non starch vegetables which means you can stock up on your mixed green salad with onions, radish, peppers, tomato, cucumber, celery, mushrooms, spring onions BUT you can only use Kraft Italian Calorie wise dressing on it.

    Good luck!


    1. Thanks for your comments and for including your personal experience. I am not really following the Bernstein diet. However, I have reduced my calorie intake and exercise level. Will keep your comments in mind nonetheless.


    1. Hi Katie, I actually didn’t go through with the Bernstein diet. It didn’t suit my lifestyle. Instead, I went on Slim Fast meal replacement shakes Monday – Friday (9-5) for breakfast and lunch with a fruit as a snack in between meals. After 5, I eat veggies and meat. Barely any dairy, no grains or sugary foods. On the weekends I’ll have a light meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But it’ll be anything I place. I allow myself 1 dessert on the weekends and a diet coke if I crave it. I’ve lost about 30 lbs in 3 months. I’m targeting another 50 lbs over the next 4 1/2 months.


  2. I shambled home from work, and stumbled across your page. You seem determined, and a woman with a plan. Stay positive. I like that you included an increase in exercise…. very important. P


    1. Thanks Peter. Although, I am no longer dieting. After losing 30lbs. I can not lose weight just now. I’m pregnant and will actually be gaining some of the weight back. However, after the baby is born, I plan to get back on my weight loss plan. 🙂


  3. Hey little tip…After your baby is born breast feed exclusively..if you can. I only breast fed for 6 months but at the end I had lost 40 lbs (I was 190lbs when I had my daughter and 6 months later 150lbs) of course watch how many calories you take in when you stop breast feeding or you will gain it all back (like I did…sigh) Now I bug my husband and say I want another baby so I can do it right the next time, now that I know better lol


    1. Hi Michele, thanks for the advice. I actually plan on breast feeding for 6-8 months and what you’ve just told me is definitely an added bonus.

      Btw, I’m going to be writing a post tomorrow about one of my friends. She is on a 90 day challenge and has lost 45 lbs. She’s using this meal replacement shakes and light exercise, but her results are fantastic. Plus, it’s not that costly either.

      I’ll post the details tomorrow and then you can see if maybe that might help you get to where you want to be with your weight loss!

      Cheers and thanks again for the advice.


  4. Hi Tamana, I was drawn to your blog as I would like to do Bernstein’s as you had planned. I understand vitamin B6/B12 shots 3 times per week are part of this diet. Do you know, or any readers know what amounts? Take care and hope all is well.


    1. Hi Alexis, welcome to Ziddi Tamana. I’m not sure what the dosage of the shots are. They don’t disclose that in their pamphlet. Maybe one of the thee readers know.

      Can anyone answer Alexis’ question??


      1. .35 cc of each to total .70 cc (half of it should consist of b12 and the other half b6). I am doing the diet at home and taking the shots as well. Started at 150 last wednesday. I am at 146.2 today. There’s also potassium and multi-vitamin that needs to be taken. I was not very very strict with food last week because I was just starting and I understand that I do have human cravings and reactions to food lol. But I have not had any bread (other than what’s on the list), potatoes, rice or pasta in the last week. Ok i had like 5 home fries at brunch lol 🙂 Note of caution – Please get your Vitamin b and Potassium levels checked before you start the diet. And if you are doing it at home under no medical supervision, don’t be afraid to take in some extra protein! I keep myself motivated by checking for my ketosis levels.. Good luck!!


      2. .35 of each vitamin to total .70 cc. I also take the potassium pills and the daily vitamin as per the program and check to see if i’m in ketosis every day so i stay motivated. Please get you Vit B and Potassium levels checked before you start the diet on your own and follow up with the checks every 6 weeks to make sure you are doing ok! I started the diet last Wed at 150. I’m at 146.2 today and that included a week of me not being perfect with the diet. I gave myself room to cheat a little bit because it really is a life changing thing for me. I am only looking to lose about 20-25 lbs and an additional few to give myself a cushion. I have more than one cup of coffee a day. I take cream and splenda with my coffee. I have eaten some chocolate (whole bars of Toblorone mind you) and a few pieces of home fries at brunch. My caloric intake is probably around 1000-1200 a day. The trick is to eat healthy though! I am now cutting the chocolate out. Good Luck!!!


      3. Also – DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF!! Understand what your body needs!! If you feel sick or really hungry, just go for the healthy options.. I was starving last night before supper and had grilled chicken breast + kraft low fat swiss cheese slice + diced onions, garlic, bell pepper, green chillies stir fry (used PAM) and it not only looked like a gourmet meal, but it was really reall healthy and yummy! I can’t go on 800 calories a day. So I like to stay at a higher level whenever I can. And remember it’s not about just calorie counting, but its about checking the amount of carbs u eat. Dr B does the 6+12+12 method for the amount of grams your allowed to eat for each meal. 6 for breaky and 12 each for lunch and dinner. I do a little more and keep it under 50 g of carbs a day and watch out for sodium levels. Those really are the silent killers of any diet. It’s easy to watch out for sugar and trans fats. But we tend to ignore carbs and salt!!

        Sorry about the long post.. This is for the poster that was looking at doing the diet at home. I had to go through so many resources to get all this info, so I wanted to give u as much info as I can so there is no confusion 🙂


  5. With the exception of today, July 18th, I will do the journey with you. Same weight, same goals. This is about an initial surge to get healthy and prepare my body for physical training. I am about the same weight ast you Tamara. I am confident a quick initial weight loss, then introducing exercise and refining the diet plan to include extra fruits, veggies and protein in the means to do this. Good luck sister.. with you 100% of the way.. well 99% because I can’t count today.


  6. If you don’t mind my asking, how did you find out the details of the diet? I want to try it as well without having to pay, and I was wondering how accurate this was? It looks good though!


    1. Hi Meg, I first contacted Dr. Bernstien’s office and requested an information package via email. After I got that, I also did some google searches and went on a few forums where people discussed the details of the diet. As far as I know, the information I posted is accurate. However, I would recommend checking google to cross-reference my information with others. My info might be out of date.

      Good luck with the diet and do let us know how your results turned out.


  7. I am contemplating the Dr Bernstein diet and have called for some info but just wondering if anyone knows if your able to take the shots at home as I have to travel almost an hr to the nearest clinic?


    1. Hi Holly,

      I don’t think they’d give you the shots to administer yourself at home due to risks of you failing to take it properly an I believe they don’t make house calls.

      However, I did read a while ago that someone did the program without the help of Dr. Bernstein and purchased the shots from their local drug store and had their spouse give them.

      I would be very careful and avoid administering shots yourself to avoid puncturing a vein or nerve. Unless, of course you are a nurse or know how to.

      Good luck and do let us all know what you find out from the clinic about this!


  8. I was planning on beginning the Dr. Bernstein diet next Tuesday. I came across this website when I was doing a bit of research, and now I am wondering if possibly I could do it myself, by following the carbs and daily protein that has been listed. It is so expensive to go to Dr. Bernstein’s office; maybe this could work. I wonder how you all made out. The comments were posted quite some time ago.


    1. Hi Linda, welcome to Ziddi Tamana. I personally only followed the Bernstein diet for a few months and found it quite hard. However, I switched to meal replacement shakes (the life brand ones from Shopper’s Drug Mart) and the snack bars and lost 30 lbs on 3.5 months. But I kept a strict diet; 9-5 liquids mainly, plus a fruit or snack bar and after 5pm I had meat and veggies. I found that easier to do than the Bernstein diet. Not sure how it turned out for others. But if you have further questions do let me know.


  9. Hi,
    I did try the Dr. Bernstein diet many years ago…lost and then gained and tried it again and lost and gained. Once I got back to regular eating, the weight slowing crept back. Mmmmm?
    If any of you find the time, you may want to check out youtube…there are a couple of seminars by Doctor Brian Martin of Enerchanges Clinic in Vancouver BC…they will really enlighten you. One is on Optimal Aging and the other is on Stubborn Weight Loss and HCG. I tried last June and have lost 51 lbs and have not gained a pound back. Most importantly, Dr. Martin focuses on getting all the hormones in your body balanced so that throughout the diet and at the end of the HCG diet – you not only have successfully lost the weight, but have targeted the stresses that create the imbalances in your system and addresses many of the reasons for gaining and holding on to the stubborn weight. The secret to keeping the weight off is targeting the right kind of fat – thus the HCG and most importantly, balancing your hormones – which ultimately is the reason for permanent success.
    If nothing else, check out the seminars. All the best.


  10. I did HCG for 50 days and lost close to 65 lbs….. I since then have lost my job so can’t afford the cost of it, that being said if you found the 800 cal diet hard than you will find 500 harder, however the HCG helps! I have been at a plateau for a year now, so thanks for posting about the dr. B diet


  11. HCG is available in Canada. If you see a Naturopath, ask them about it. If not, do a simple google search for Naturopaths in your area. If they don’t mention HCG on the their web-site, give them a call and ask. You can take shots at home (really simple) for less than $ 50.00 a week. You can also take pills for about a third of the cost. Shots are determined to be more effective. The dangers around HCG all seem to stem from the 500 calorie diet plan. Your naturopath won’t put you on a 500 calorie plan because it is not healthy. Mine recommended 1200 calories.
    I have been on the diet 6 days now and have lost 6.6 pounds. I generally only loose 10 pounds per month on a 1200 calorie diet. So, ending week one and everything looks good (I choose the shots). I had 2 days where my calories were less than 1,000 and I was hungry but was not weak or tired. I exersized twice and felt like I had enough energy. I am also using MyFitnessPal to track my daily calories/exercize and I find it to be a very user friendly and helpful diet tool. A few years ago, I went on Bernstein and I lost 22 pounds in 6 weeks. I was very tired the whole time and I have a high stress career so it was not tempting for me to go back on this diet. I found it a pain to go to the clinic regularly and the price was also a negative for me…..but, it did work. I will bookmark this blog and try to report back once a week. I know how much of a personal struggle it is to be overweight and want to be a more healthy weight.


  12. Good luck! I have been on dr b for 9 days and lost 12.5 lbs. I do not feel any repercussions of the diet and am so stoked on the loss! My jeans feel too big, I’m down one size in jeans and feel great! Whatever the method, it’s what works for you! Stay focused. I started at 250 lbs. my goal is 150lbs. I’m 5’8 and 32 years old. If I can be at 200lbs by June 1 I will be thrilled!


    1. Congratulations Kassy on the beginning of something amazing! I would love to start dr. B but cannot afford it although I am aware that many people have been successful in losing the weight. But it’s just too costly, especially now that I have a new baby.

      Thanks for the encouragement! My plan is to drop down to 150lbs too and I am 246lbs right now. So I hope to get down to 200lbs by July.

      Good luck! And keep us informed on your progress.


    1. Hi Janine,

      Apologies for the delay in my response and thank you for visiting!

      I ate 3-5 triscuits a day or 2 Melba toasts. I can’t remember the calories of the triscuits but I believe they were about 10-15 calories each. I would recommend not eating more than 100-150 calories of bread (so you can figure out how many you can have based on the calorie count on the box of triscuits).

      Hope that helps! Do let me Know if you have more questions and good luck!

      Tamana xoxox


      1. Tamana….thank you so much for your reply!
        Tomorrow is the start of a new approach to healthy eating and exercise. I find with any change being prepared is the key so I am doing the work tonight and portioning off my meals for tomorrow.
        How are things going for you?. And congratulations on your new bundle of joy.



      2. Thanks lovie! My dieting is at a halt. I don’t know if its motherhood, maternity leave or just lack of determination that’s keeping me from losing weight. But I’m just not into it these days. I keep telling myself tomorrow but tomorrow never comes. Sigh!

        But I wish you lots of luck with your plan. I’m sure you’ll do fantastic. Do let me know how it’s going.



  13. Denise, Tamana I am in for July 1st…was suppose to start last week but got a little sidetracked with all these end of year celebrations….July 1st it is!


      1. I am going with the food outline of Dr. B as it really worked for me in the past. I just need to get some inward motivation….I love my food, I love to socialize and what a better way to meet with friends….over a meal.
        I will watch for your posting….stay cool and enjoy your little one today….janine


  14. Dear Tamana thanks for your postings. I am starting my diet with dr. B. diet as of tomorrow. I am 160 lbs. now and planning to lose 30 in five weeks. and wish you all the best with your baby!!!!


  15. Hi everyone, I wish I had the result of your diets. I have tried Dr. B six years ago. I works if you stick with it religiously. I start putting on weight as soon as I started maintenance. I am doing it this time in slow pace i.e I do no limit vegetable and have three or four serves of fruits. Vitamin B complex injection never made sense to me. I will ignore that. Hopefully, I will find this blog again to let you guys know how much I lost. I am a 222.5 Ib 51 years old man.
    I tied Dr. Poon diet three years ago. It works too, The good part, it is covered by Ontario Health Plan.


  16. Hello everyone, My Name is Christina, I’m 5’6 and weight is now at the highest of 240 lbs, I need to loose weight, got b12 and b 6 shots at home from the doctor, but it says follow as directed, and what part of the body is the best to inject. so I have no idea how much, it says 2x a week each, also got a script for water pills, and mavic 2mg as I just found out I have high blood pressure, so the weight loss is on, but questions are where to start. wanted to do dr.b but I’m in need to do it at home due to cost factors. if you ladies have any meal plans to help break it down that would be a blessing, as well as how much for needles thanks in advance.


  17. I got a tip from an insider to the clinic on the plan and have done the diet usually twice a year for 2-3 months at a time for over 5 years now. I find it works very well because of the healthy lean protein and large amounts of vegetables. Re folks who ask about the Vit B shots, I was advised it was fine to take a good B complex vitamin once a day and Swiss 150 multivitamin once a day. I used to go buy Cal-K from Bernstein clinic but they ask for your name and info when you do that so in the end just haven’t bothered and take calcium supplement. The one thing that was amazing to me when I first did the diet and followed it strictly (not easy!), was the rule that you must not have anything not on the list. Whatever the chemical reasons why, I learned this was true. I was following the plan exactly, and at first hungry between meals, and felt I was really giving it up for the diet, but was not in ketosis (measured by getting keto strips you pee on). I was so frustrated! Asked the person on the inside and they said I must be cheating. I said NO WAY! Finally we worked out what I was doing was drinking herbal tea, lots of herbal tea in a day! Not caffeine herbal tea, and not with sugar, but something like raspberry Stash tea. I was told to cut that out, and BAM! Within a day or so I was in ketosis. herbal tea? Who knew? It changed everything.. I believe the OK teas are Bengal Spice and Green tea. Anyway I find it is hard but it works and it is important for all trying low carb style of diet like Bernstein to remember, you have to eat to lose weight! No starving yourself if you want the body to use of fat and not steal muscle. Also a good tip I was told was if I was not going into ketosis to cut out one of the fruit servings a day, and if I must eat more then top up a little on protein. These days I dont follow it exactly (not measuring everything, add a cup of unbuttered popcorn here and there) but reckon I am far happier losing weight at all even if it takes a little longer then eating pizza, fast food, 2-3 candy bars a day for many months at a time. My new plan is to try the idea of Bernsteineque diet 6 days a week forever (with maybe more quantity of items later) and 1 day to eat and drink whatever I want. For me, I think that would be long term sustainable. I lost 20lb on Bernstein plan the first time, in 2 months, and no I didnt gain it all back fast even after I went back to eating whatever. It took more then 8 months to gain a significant amount. I found it boosted my metabolism and so did a friend I know who did it and lost 50lb. Good luck all! hope this isn’t too long. Best regards to Tamana.


    1. Thanks so much for sharing your insights. This really helps! I’ve been drinking lots of herbal peppermint tea too and I guess that might be why I’m struggling to even drop a pound. Will try cutting it out and see where it takes me. Thanks again hun for sharing! I know lots of people will appreciate this.Best wishes to you as well! xoxo


  18. Hi everyone, I am thinking of trying the at home version of the Dr. B diet. I did 5 weeks on the official plan and lost FAR less than I expected – I am 5’2″ tall and currently weigh 128.5lbs. But I only lost 6 pounds on the diet in the course of 5 weeks of being super-strict on the plan. I think it’s because I am only about 10lbs from my goal weight, so my body doesn’t want to let the fat go very easily. That said, I know I am strong willed and dedicated enough to continue at home on my own, but I have never injected myself before and my local Vancouver pharmacies tell me that the manufacturer/supplier for the vitamin shots has not had stock in nearly 5-6 months, so no local pharmacies carry it or can get it in stock. Do any of you know where I can order some of the shots within Canada, from a safe and reputable source? Thank you~ Oh, and any tips on how to inject myself properly, aside from just making sure the amounts are correct and there are no air bubbles? Thank you.


  19. Hi everyone! I did the diet through the clinic for 3 months and $3500.00 later. I did however lose 60 lbs and felt great, looked great and do not regret the money spent. It does work! Later in life I had a baby and gained 40lbs. I am back on the Dr.B wagon again and I know what to do, how to do it and not pay for it this time. I am on day 6 and down 3 lbs. I know this is all the water and bloat disappearing but I feel better, look deflated and am determined. For me it is stick to the diet, drink water, water and water! Exercise is a MUST if you don’t want to look like someone just let out your air (if you know what I mean). Walking, light weights and for me, sit ups (200 a day) and they get easier as you go. I started with 200 but spread that throughout the whole day. Before I knew it, I could do 200 in one try! Even if exercise is your enemy, DO SOMETHING! Swim, bike, walk, jump rope, yoga . . . SOMETHING! It also helps to chat with people who are in the same boat as you, who knows, you might make a new best friend! 🙂 Make a promise to yourself everyday that will help you achieve your goal such as “today I will walk for 1 hour” or “today I will have 10 glasses of water” and make sure you stick to it! After all, you only disappoint yourself! I also made a promise to someone I love so much that I will lose 20lbs by a certain date (in total I want to lose 70). He doesn’t need to know how much I weigh but that I promised him I would do it. Make sure you promise someone that your weight loss would benefit. I chose my spouse because I know I will be able to do more with him, active wise 😉 and I will be more confident in myself to dress sexier. WHAT SPOUSE WOULDN’T WANT THAT?? I have also come to terms that I am an addict to carbs. I craved like crazy, bread and crackers in my first 3 days. I have a friend going through alcohol recovery and she explained her cravings for alcohol and I could totally relate! SCARY! When I realized I was an addict it made it easier for me to stay away. I think of bad food as a drug for me. I am determined to keep to it and I know that this will be my skinny jean year!


  20. What I am doing and seems to be working FOR ME (the key word’s) is maintaining a level of ketosis and I measure with the keto strips. I follow the Dr. B food list and it tells you how much to eat and what the serving sizes are. I also inject B complex 1mm into my stomach every other day. (so does the clinic) I take a normal multi vitamin and vitamin c. I tend to get obsessed with the scale so my husband took it away and now I only weigh once a week. The clinic would weigh every other day. I try not to obsess over measuring my ketone level but I do measure once every 3 days. I am walking at home when I can’t get out (I have lil’ ones). I love “Leslie Sansone” on you tube. I do her 3 mile walk from home video. I do my 200 sit ups as well. I started doing 10 sit ups every hour and then 20 and so on and so on until I could do all in one go….. I get a lot of compliments on how good I am looking. PEOPLE ARE NOTICING! I do a to do list every morning when I wake up and I add 3 things to that list that will enable my weight loss like drink 12 glasses water, walk for an extra 15 minutes or something small that will make a difference in the long run. I tell myself ACTION CONQUERS FEAR and the only way to get results is to do something about it! It really is mind control and creating will power, because will power can not be found.


    1. Thanks for sharing. It’s very helpful for me and I’m sure others will feel the same. Please continue to share your progress as the weeks go on. Best wishes and success!


  21. Hi Everyone,
    Very informative blog. I am on Bernstien for the 2nd time. First time, in 2011 my target was 25 lbs and I acheieved 20. This time, after baby number 2, my target was 40 lbs and I have lost 25 lbs. Starting the home version now.

    My question is: I went to Shoppers Drugmart and got B12 injectables, its 10,000 mcg/10 ml. Is that what everyone is using?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    1. Sorry, hun but I know nothing about the injectables. I recall someone saying 1000mcg/10ml. But I would do a Google search and see if that’s the right quantity. Becareful and do share your results.


    2. Hi are you able to help me out, I am on the Bernstein diet and have a busy schedule so I have been missing injections and only getting them once or twice a week most weeks . I am noticing the weeks I get three the weight loss is greater so I purchased b6 and b12 to inject next week because I will be away all week. At the clinic (to my understanding ) they are giving double dose of b12 Monday and Friday and double dose of b6 Wednesday. Does this sound right? I want to continue what they have been doing but from what i have been reading people are saying mix the two together in one shot?? Do you knowing this is correct and if not how much of b6 and 12 i need to inject each day. Thank you in advance 🙂


    3. Hey “fat chick”,

      Could you elaborate on how you got the injectables and the needle size and quantity you are injecting!?



      1. Lipotropic b 12 and b6. Has three other substances mixed in that burn the fat. Look up lipotropic b 12 injections. You get easily from u.s. since they are the ones most likely to have the pure forms. They are regulated there. Vitamin store.net I think. They delivered to Canada within four days. Thought maybe customs would hold but no came right to my door with needles, alcohol wipes bucks of lipotropic injections and a container for old needles. Couldn’t find in Canada and we aren’t as regulated here.
        That is the secret ingredients Bernstein uses. Already premixed for you.


  22. Dear “fat chick ” did you say you went to shoppers drug mart and purchased b12 injectables? The Bernstein ones are b12 & b6 and something else but they would not disclose to me what it is . Also did you have a prescription for the injectable vitamins ?


    1. No Prescription needed. The nurses at the Bernstien clinic inject you with B6 & B12..nothing else…

      if you want details of the type of syringe and the quantity per injection..let me know and I’ll give you all the detail.

      I have been doing it at home and its been going great. No need to spend 1000s of dollars there.


      1. What is the actually dosage of each one of the B6 and B12 because to me it seems like they are giving 1ml of b12 on mondays and fridays and 1ml of the b6 on wednesdays. An why does the B6 sting at the clinic but not at home when you get it injected.? thanks


      2. Hello,

        Can you please advise how much concentration is needed for each B6 & B12 injections and how much each shot should be when injecting. Is it 1ml, 2ml (is that also 0.35cc or 0.77cc respectively). Can you please be detailed in your response as I am bit confused with so many forums talking about different dosage


  23. Hi Everyone, I read all the comment and I am really grateful for the tips and sharing in the struggles of the weight loss journeys. I am going on the Dr. B diet starting tomorrow for the 3rd time around. I have struggled all my life with weight and I have done well on this diet in the past. The problem is the cost…it is very expensive!


  24. Hello Tamara,
    I am looking for information to help my father law with this transition. Why are the B6-B12 shots so important, and not only that the calories that I count that my father in law is having doesn’t come close to a 1000 calories. He has lost 30lbs in 6 weeks. Seems really fast, but the Dr. is impressed. I’m not really understanding some parts of the diet, and really don’t want to asked him a million question so I am trying to get info to understand the process. Are the b6 and b12 shots something your missing in your diet? Once you start maintaining your diet, how much would you gain back? Do they have a maintenance plan already for you?


    1. Hi Gina,

      Thanks for your comment/questions. I have not been on the Bernstein plan for a while. But when I was doing it, I never went to the clinic. I only did it at home. Without taking any of the B6 and B12 shots.

      My understanding is that the Bernstein plan does have a maintenance program that is much less in cost and eventually come off the maintenance but continue to eat as if you would while on the plan.

      I know the weight loss is significant and disturbingly fast. Many people I have spoken to have stated that they managed to keep the weight off for many years. But then let themselves go after a while; which resulted in weight gain.

      The thing about all weight-loss is that whether its quick and dirty or slow and monitored, it’s a goal you do. You get to your ideal weight and then you maintain that weight. So, your father-in-law will have to maintain that weight-loss. By adapting to a healthier lifestyle.
      After weight-loss, staying fit is a way of life.

      I hope that’s helpful. If anyone else wants to chime in please do. This is just my opinion and what I’ve observed over the years.


  25. Hello all!

    I just started the bernstein diet on tuesday, it has been rough, Probably worse right now because I have a cold. But i have lost 5lbs (probably water haha) and have cheated nearly everyday – i dont want to think its ok to cheat because I am still losing, but what are some ways people on here have crubed their hungry pains or sweet or carb cravings? I have a smal breakfast and a mid size lunch and dinner but seem to be starving before dinner… Has anyone on the diet ever say, ate more vegetables to be full and still had success? I understand low carbs, dairy, and sugar – but if i am eating X amount of calories (say 800-1000) a day, with mainly veggies, fruits and protein, they why wouldnt I still lose weight – i find the amountof servings and the amount of food ‘per serving’ can be kind of low… Any suggestions?

    Also, for when I am done the months I have paid for… In canada where can i get the vitamin b injectables, and the ketone strips?



  26. I started the Dr. B Diet today, wish me luck. My colleague did the Dr. B diet at home and got the shots from her naturopath and she followed the plan to a T. Once Ive done a month on Dr. B I will do the diet at home and see if I get the same results.


    1. I believe its because of the amounts of protein. You’ll end up using up all your daily protein allowance if you take both bars. I’m not 100% sure, but I think that’s why.


      1. Thank you Tamana! So safe to say, I can eat the Dr. B oatmel in am and Dr. B bar at noon, for dinner just have veges?


      2. question, does anyone have the maintenance allowed food list? I reached my goal but I can’t afford to go back! I don’t what to bring back into my food lists!


  27. I am a former Dr Bernstien patient. The diet really works! Over 10 years ago I lost close to 90 pounds in 5 months. Woot woot. Then divorce happens. I have gained over 60 pounds back over the last 10 years and did not want to pay the huge price at Dr B’s. I have started the diet on my own just about a week ago and have lost 6 pounds with proper diet and exercise. Love that I can do this at home and not run to the clinic 3 times a week and get someone to pat me on the back to say good job or you have been a bad girl. no fruit for you. Congrats to everyone that has started and that is in the process of starting. Good luck!


    1. Marianne, Thank you for your positive comments..Would you be able to post a sample menu plan and if you are taking any vitamins?


      1. That’s awesome Marianne! yes please post your menu, I am doing it on my own, are you doing the shots? I live in Canada and I’m not sure how I can do that here. please share!! thank you!!!


    2. Hi Marianne,
      Nice results! Sorry to hear about your divorce. It’s been a while since your last post I hope you’re in a better situation now 🙂

      I was wondering if you can please share more about Dr B diet like meal plans and what you ate? I have all the details of the vitamins I need but not the food part



  28. Can anyone please advise how much concentration is needed for each B6 & B12 injections and how much each shot should be when injecting. Is it 1ml, 2ml (is that also 0.35cc or 0.77cc respectively). Also, is it just B6 and B12, or is it B-complex, or MIC AKA Lipotropic Injection – what is the actual Vitamin that I should be injecting.
    Can you please be detailed in your response interms of actual Vitamin Injections, concentration, each dosage, and how often during week as I am bit confused with so many forums with various explanations.


    1. I had great success with a B6 and B50 vitamin twice every day along with 30 minutes on a tread mill….and cheated every Saturday! But the vitamins and tread mill were key. Went from 218 to 194 in 10 weeks.


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